We are one Renewable Energy Community (CER) , established on 18 December 2020 pursuant to decree-law 162/19 (article 42bis) and the related implementing measures, such as resolution 318/2020 / R / eel of the ARERA and the Ministerial Decree of 16 September 2020 of the MiSE.

It all started on April 28, 2020, when the City Council of Magliano Alpi decided to adhere to the “Manifesto of the Energy Communities for an active centrality of the Citizen in the new energy market” promoted by the Energy Center of the Polytechnic of Turin, which focuses the focus on the centrality of the citizen-prosumer and that of the Community, as a capacity for aggregation at the local level, to offer services to its members and bring socio-economic benefits to the local community.
The Municipality then promoted an expression of interest to collect accessions to the newly established CER.
On 4 December 2020 in Magliano Alpi the first CER, the Renewable Energy Community Energy City Hall, was established, registered with the Revenue Agency on 18 December. The referent, pending the election of the representative bodies, is the mayor himself, Marco Bailo, who intends to set up two more CERs in the first half of 2021.
President of the Scientific Committee of the CER is Eng. Sergio Olivero, expert in innovative business models for the energy transition.
As coordinator and prosumer of the CER, the Municipality of Magliano Alpi has made available a 20 Kwp photovoltaic system built after 1 March 2020. Installed on the roof of the Town Hall, the system is connected to the POD of the Town Hall and can share the energy produced and not self-consumed with the CER, currently formed by the users of the library, gym and schools, in addition to the four residents who are the first to have joined the starting group. The two EV charging columns will also be connected to the same system, which can be used free of charge by residents.
The CER aims to connect a few dozen prosumers and users over the course of 2021.
The photovoltaic system was installed in May 2020, immediately after the first lockdown, on the Sus roof of the municipal building. While being able to opt for the Exchange on the spot, we waited for the evolution of the legislation to start immediately with the CER. The energy policy of the Municipality, defined in the electoral program with which we were re-elected in 2019, has the strategic objective of aiming at reducing the energy consumption of public buildings and the production of energy from renewable sources.
The Municipality of Magliano Alpi is small (2,230 inhabitants), but of exercise an active role as a Public Administration in the development of innovative models for the revitalization of the territory . The mission of the Public Administration is to seize these opportunities, instill trust in citizens to make them aware of the energy transition and participate in the environmental and economic benefits that CERs can bring. After this terrible pandemic, we want to make the acquired know-how available to neighboring municipalities and gradually to the rest of the territory.
The CER must become a catalyst for “ local short supply chains “, With high added value and strong cognitive and technological value. In fact, already in this first CER we have involved not only private citizens, but also local technicians and artisans belonging to the world of VAT numbers, precisely to spread this message, making sure to excite a wide audience of people and create a narrative that is engine of change towards a “green” economy.
The members of the CER are private citizens, professionals, artisans, and obviously the Municipality of Magliano Alpi as a public body, all connected to the same transformer substation. We had a good response from the citizens of Magliana to the Expression of Interest published on the Municipality website even if at the moment the constraint of being connected to the same substation remains. Several citizens have expressed their intention to install new plants in their turn.
The Municipality bought the smart meters , which were linked to all the PODs participating in the CER. In parallel with the calculations of the shared energy that the GSE will provide, the management platform was chosen Energy4Com for the analysis of production and consumption energy flows and the management of all energy services.
The Municipality is also aggregating a “GOC “(Community Operational Group ), a cooperative entity, aimed at creating a “short supply chain of technicians, designers, installers and maintenance workers ”: The CERs therefore represent the catalyst for this process of aggregation of skills on the territory, essential for creating development and jobs in the post-pandemic phase.
CER Energy City Hall has signed a collaboration agreement with the innovative start-up with a social value Energy4Com for the technical-operational management of activities.